So I know you all have been on the edge of your seat wondering if I would "get back on the horse" and try skiing again. You all can rest secure, I did! Over the Thanksgiving holiday Austin and I along with another couple, The Whites, headed up to Keystone for what I hoped would be a much much better skiing experience. With my bruises from the last time almost completely healed, I convinced myself that I could ski and could have fun! I guess attitude is important! We had a great time. The first day I fell a little. I told Austin he could go on any runs he wanted, but I was going to master the green (easiest) runs. As I got better, I fell less and less. By the end of the second day I was having fun, although still sore, and I knew each and every bump, turn and dip of those green runs! On the third day, we were basically in blizzard conditions, with the most beautiful powder I have ever seen. It was so much fun! I was zipping down blue (intermediate)runs. Yah, baby! I am officially addicted to skiing and we are going again with Austin's unit next weekend. What a great thanksgiving to eat all we wanted with no guilt because we literally exercised for three days straight!
So my spiritual connection to the story is that, once you get knocked down and defeated, you must get up and trust that you can get down that mountain and enjoy it! Sometimes God wants us to go back to the basics and really get to know Him just like I had to take the time to know the "easiest" run again and "master" it (I know we can never "master" it and I will have to go back sometimes). God came to give us an abundant life with Him. I enjoyed being in His creation and sometimes I got really scared (scared of falling or not being good enough to get down). I would convince myself that I had the ability and was equipped to get down the mountain. I learned how to talk myself out of a fall!
On another note, we moved on post this week (yes, we moved again...I think number 5 since we have been married). It was a lot of work even with movers, but we love our place and I will post pics as soon as I can get my camera working. Then yesterday, we decided to get away from boxes for a few hours and go cut down our Christmas Tree. I know what you are thinking...that is so fun to go to a Christmas tree farm and cut down your little perfect tree! Nope! This year we found out that we could go to Pike's Peak National Park and cut down our own tree with a $10 permit fee. We bought our little bow saw and had our map. Let me tell you this is no Christmas Tree farm...this is a freakin' forest!! We took one road and I literally felt like I was on a crazy snow roller coaster. There were no rails, hairpin turns, big rocky bolders, and no one else to rescue us. It was an adventure. We searched for a couple of hours to find our "perfect" tree. We sang Christmas carols and tramped out in the snow. These trees are either huge or not full at all. So we found our tree...sort of a really fat version of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. We call it ghettofabulous. We decorated it last night and laughed as you can see ornaments from one side of the tree while standing on the other side. But it is our first tree together and we found it and cut it down ourselves! I love it! Posted below are pics from the cell phone. I'll post better ones later! Also is one of Austin out in the field.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Skiing through Thanksgiving and Christmas Trees!
Posted by Heather at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
A New Mountain Experience
I don't know how many of you have ever been skiing, but I did not grow up going skiing. The first time I ever went was my junior year of college and it was not a pleasant experience. When I lived in New York, I decided to give it a try again and had one of the students in our ministry who was gracious enough to give me lessons and ski backwards in front of me so I could learn. Since then, I have been 2 other times, once with my hubby on our honeymoon in Colorado.
Now that we live in Colorado, it seems the perfect time to get really good at skiing. Austin loves to ski. We had a ski expo on post a few weekends ago and he was like a little kid on Christmas morning. I want it to be something we can do together and someday teach our kids to love it to and we purchased season passes to Keystone/A-Basin. Since Austin had a four day weekend and we have hardly seen each other in the past week or so, we decided to try our season passes for a day of skiing.
Let's just say it didn't start off well...mainly with my attitude. We got up at 5am and I was not a happy camper. The first run would start at 8:30 am and we had a 2 and a half hour drive to the ski resort. I slept most of the way and felt uncomfortable about my ski clothes (I don't know why...just one of those mornings.) We even stopped for Chicfila breakfast on the way so you would think I would be in a chipper mood. It was cold and overcast and so was I!
We arrived at the mountain with all the other crazy skiers on the Monday after the opening weekend of skiing. The mountains were barely covered with snow, so the snow on the slope would be mostly man made...did you know that they can do that..make snow!! Crazy!!
So we suited up and headed to the gondola line. We heard that only 2 runs were open, but we were still excited to get down that beautiful mountain...until we started down the mountain. Austin was fine, I however was a little shaky. There were a ton of people on this run...more than I have ever skied with before! I knew I would have my first fall as it has been almost a year since I have skied. After that fall, I picked myself up and was ready to keep going...this was normal for my first run down. There were so many people swirling around me that it made me nervous...that's when we got to the first really steep part. After falling a few more times, I was beat up. People on the mountain were not friendly, in fact several people were right out rude in what they said as I was stopped on the slope in my fear! Austin was great...he was encouraging and patient with me urging me to take my time. I was frustrated. I had done this before. I had the skills and the experience to ski down this mountain. I looked down at the mountain and all these "expert skiers" taking it like it was easy as walking...I was petrified. The mountain become unskiable for me. I was stuck in my fear. I fell one more time as some naysayer came by to give me his opinion on being stopped and trying to get my ski back on. I lost it. I cried. I was beat up and definitely had bruises (large ones) on several areas of my body. All I could look down and see was impossibility. I just wanted to be done. Part of me wanted to snap off my skis and march down this beast on foot even if I looked foolish.
So what got me down the mountain today? For one, I prayed...I really wanted to make it down without much more pain. Second, my wonderful husband. I knew he was sacrificing his fun day on the mountain to help me, but he was patient and taught me a way to slide down that ended up being very helpful in my skiing technique. He told me that he didn't want to ski without me, that it was just us working together. Thank you sweetie! (I let him go by himself back up and down the mountain twice after we made it down.) And third, I actually found this one girl who was by herself and she was snowplowing this thing (Snowplowing for those who don't know is using your thigh muscles to push out on your skis while keeping the tips of your skis in sort of a triangle. This helps you go really slow and is how they teach you to ski for the first time). It seemed every time I had given up in fear and loss of confidence, this girl would show up snowplowing her heart out. Snowplowing is one of the most painful ways to ski. It is not fun, but it teaches you control of your speed. I cannot stand to snowplow! I felt she was the only other one on that mountain not skilled to swoop down from side to side with out falter. I thought, if she can do it, I can to. Who cares what I look like, I am getting down this mountain!
So why do I tell you all in detail about my painful skiing experience. Well, after I had achieved my goal and was back down on semi-flat land, I evaluated...what had I learned. It was like a spiritual journey. Sometimes we think, I have walked with God for so long and I have seen this mountain before...I'm good to go. I have the right equipment, in fact, I have a new jacket and goggles, watch out mountain! Then we fall, and sometimes we are ok and pick ourselves back up, but we just keep falling. Meanwhile, our teachers (or God) are trying to help us understand that we can't go so fast and we need to practice our turns and we need to rely on Him to help us. That's why I kept falling, I was not listening to help from my teacher (Austin). Once I did and I concentrated on following him, I fell a lot less and I wasn't looking at that huge steep mountain below me. Sometimes along the way it seems like there are naysayers, people who point out our faults and who just seek to keep us down. We must listen to the encouragers and watch those who are walking (skiing), not perfectly but with confidence that going slow and with confidence will get them down that mountain.
I did not go up again. I was tired, broken, bruised, and completely emotionally done! But I will, and with a new found understanding of my limitations and also new goals. Maybe the next time, my mountain won't seem quite so daunting and my fear will not conquer me. I want to trust God whatever mountain I find myself on and even when I discouraged and people are discouraging. He wants to teach me to follow Him and take it one step at a time. As my husband said, "It doesn't matter how you get down the mountain, I just don't want you to fall." What insight into the heart of God! But oh am I sore!!!
Posted by Heather at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Time to Mourn
Austin had his first memorial service today. It was my first as well. I went to support him and be a co-minister to the family who were in attendance. Austin did a great job and I am so very proud of him. The service itself was very sad. Many fellow soldiers attended in uniform. The soldier who died was honored by his commanding officers and fellow soldiers and friends. Austin spoke of Psalm 139 about how we each (including the soldier who died) are so precious to God and that he knows our name and His precious thoughts about us are as numerous as the grains of sand. It was a great reminder of how precious life is and how much our Father loves us-- even those who may not be following after Him. If you have never had the opportunity to attend a military memorial, let me tell you it is something quite amazing and humbling. After the speeches honoring the soldier, they had a bagpiper come in playing Amazing Grace. Then they did something called a roll call where the sergeant calls out the names of soldiers and they stand and say, "Here First Sergeant." Then the sergeant calls out the name of the deceased three times and when he doesn't answer the sergeant goes and sits down. It sent chills down my spine. After that we all stood for military honors and they did a 21 gun salute and then taps was played. At the end, after the family recessed out, the soldiers would file out in pairs and in front of the "altar" (consisting of a gun with a helmet on top, a pair of boots and a picture of the deceased soldier) they would salute very slowly. Some placed different items at the altar.
I got to meet the father and the wife afterwards and it really was a joy just to listen to them and minister to them the best we could. It was very sad as the father had already lost his other son, his wife and his mother. He had many unanswered questions and we are praying that he would find His answers in Christ.
One of the highlights, if there can be any in a memorial, was that fact that the soldier who found the deceased and who Austin got to later lead to Christ, spoke at the memorial. To me it was a reminder once again that God brings life out of death.
Posted by Heather at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Vanns Five Fall Update
So I realized today that so much stuff has been going on in our lives the past few months and I haven't really stopped to share. So this post will be long, but will include lots of pics and let you know what is happening with us in Colorado Springs!
Most of you might know that we have moved to Colorado Springs and are serving with the Army Chaplaincy. Austin has been doing amazing and I am so proud of him. He has done two weddings (pics included below) and today headed out to the field with his troops for a few days in the snow...That's right we have snow on the ground this morning in the middle of October!! I was so surprised when we woke up this morning to fall foliage and a blanket of white on the ground and in the mountains. The good news is that the sun is already breaking through!
Since we have been in Colorado we have visited the Garden of the Gods, been mountain biking, visited Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (a zoo on the mountain!)and had a marriage retreat in Breckenridge. Austin was "hailed" at a traditional Army "Hail and Farewell" where they welcome new soldiers to the battalion and farewells to those leaving. We have dinner at a nice restaurant and then the commander ribs the each officer a little and welcomes them. I see deer or foxes almost every day in people's yards! It is so fun!
We have both been involved in a new chapel service called Chapel Next. It is a national movement among military posts that seeks to reach young soldiers and their families and has a modern feel. Austin has preached and is in charge of single soldier outreach. I have been singing in the worship band and we have both helped with children's ministry. We are really enjoying being apart of this new work seeking to reach young people! You can check it out at
In December we will be moving on post into NEW housing that is really awesome. We are so excited that the Lord has provided for us to be on post. We will get to have 3 bedrooms, a two car garage, and a yard! I feel great about having neighbors I know and who are going through the same thing when Austin deploys in May or June next year. We also are a lot closer to where most of our life takes place! Austin will be only minutes from "work" and I will be so close to the commissary (grocery store), the PX (like Walmart/Department Store), the fitness center, our church (Veteran's Chapel) and where I go to Women's Bible Study called PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) every Tuesday morning! I also have such a heart to reach out to the women on post and this will allow me to live among those women and families! Thanks God!
Lastly, we are so excited at the ministry opportunities God continues to give us. Austin's job can be so tough some days as he seeks to please God by sharing Jesus and his commander and the army by doing what they ask him to do. It can be disheartening and challenging at times. God has been faithful! Austin had a tragic situation on Monday happen within his unit and was so discouraged. But God had called Austin to pray over his guys' barracks just the day before. We prayed and I listened as he processed. The next day at my Bible study we prayed for the chaplains and Austin began praying for opportunities to share. Out of this, another solider involved with the crisis came to Austin and told him he wanted to know how to come to Christ. He accepted the Lord and said he was changed!! He said he would share with his wife and bring her back if she wanted to accept Christ as well! Amazing. What Satan meant for evil, God meant for good. A situation that the devil was all in, turned out to bring life to a spiritually dying soldier. Life out of death! That's what our Lord is all about. Please continue to pray for Austin and his ministry. He deals with spiritual warfare everyday. I have never felt so strongly the call to be a prayer warrior for someone as I have for him during this time. I know we are fighting spiritual battles!
Ok so thanks for surviving the update! Pictures are posted below!
Our snowy fall day!
Austin getting ready for his trek out in the field in the cold and snow.
Our future "home". It will have red shutters!
Austin getting "Hailed" at a traditional Army Hail and Farewell.
Austin and I on date night at our marriage retreat in Breckenridge.Austin in his dress blues for the wedding he did.
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At the mountain Zoo with my friend's son Jackson!
Posted by Heather at 8:21 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Hard Working Hubby
Ok so I know many of you are proud of your husband for how hard he works, so your like so what your husband works hard! I just want to exhort my husband publicly and say what an awesome job he is doing as an army chaplain. He has taken on a whole new world/culture, and ministers to around 600 soldiers. He has already untiringly counseled hurting soldiers and their families in suicide, marriage difficulties, infidelity, depression, etc. He gets up early almost every morning and some weekends to go run up hills...mind you I'm still in bed hitting the snooze button and curling back up for a few extra z's. He not only works a typical "8-5" job, but is on call all the time. He has a phone for that and they use it...alot!! He answers and dresses and heads out for emergency situations. He goes to meetings, has to prepare briefings, does pre marital counseling, works out (again), plans for retreats, and much more than I can even name. He will go out into the field sometimes overnight, sometimes until way past his new 9pm bedtime, and sometimes for a week! Just to talk to soldiers about their issues and give them a chance to corporately worship God. All of this AND he is preparing for a month long training away in winter and a year long deployment in late spring. Austin is truly my hero. I am very proud and so blessed to have such a hard working husband who still finds time to take me out to Chic-fil-a for dinner or converse with me even though he is practically falling asleep! A man stopped us one morning we were having a quick cup of coffee before he had to go to work and said thank you for serving our country. I was beaming with pride. Austin just shrugged it off because he doesn't feel worthy of it...ah my hero! Makes me even more proud. I am so thankful for all our armed forces who put their lives on the line and for policeman and firefighters as well. You wives should be proud. And I am also thankful for their chaplains, who seek to minister by their presence to these men and women who put their lives on the line everyday!
Posted by Heather at 9:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
I should have known what with my previous experience with army aerobic classes, but I went anyway! Last night I took a spinning class at the Forest Fitness Center on Fort Carson. If any one has ever been to a spin class, you know that it is quite the workout. Basically, you get your own bike and your instructor leads you for 45min to an hour in biking virtually uphill, sprinting, standing, sitting, and some quad burning hovering that I could only consider as pure torture.
As I walked into class, I met the instructor. She didn't look that tough and was nice enough to ask me if I had been to spinning before and if I needed help with my bike adjustments. Confidently, I smiled hoping she would see all my spinning experience from the last few years. "Yes, I have." I felt confident at this point watching newcomers getting help on how to adjust their bikes and having to take a flyer on spinning. I had this. About half way through I was questioning my sanity...this chic was unsuspectingly tough. I had some soldiers in my class and they were barely making it. This was the hardest spin class I had ever taken. I was NOT about to let this class get to me. Something from deep inside me rose up and I decided I was going to defeat this class and ultimately show that little tough instructor my skills. I was NOT going to wimp out. I spun harder than I ever had...
I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I proved my prowess out in the fitness room, but I may not be able to walk today. Will I go bet!!
Posted by Heather at 6:51 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Being an Army Wife
When I knew that someday I would become an army wife, I did all I could to know about and prepare for life in the army. I even got hooked on this lifetime show called Army Wives last summer. It is an awesome show and the chaplain even got some play time on last nights episode! (I told Austin I thought he could have done better with marriage counseling than this guy!)
Being as prepared as I was, nothing could have prepared me for how much I love it already! Of course, my husband is not deployed right now (probably May or June '09), but I am already so grateful for what God has provided here. I prayed for friendships, and I have already been over to one of the spouses houses for lunch and invited by several others. I meet women from all walks of life, but who are so real and have a strength I have seen little of in other places. I have been attending a ministry Bible study on Tuesday mornings called Protestant Women of the Chapel or PWOC for short. I know it doesn't sound riveting, but on those days I feel so encouragd and so excitd to be where I am. I guess you just make friendships quicker since everyone is usually always going and coming. And, you learn to depend on each other much quicker because your spouses are gone often. I have never felt like an outsider...I'm in the club. They understand a part of my life, no offense to my civilian friends and family, that is so important- my call to live this life and minister to people in the military. And in such a short amount of time!
Granted there are huge sacrifices that they make/have made and I will make in the coming months and years. Many of them are on there third or fourth deployment over the last five or six years! As one lady testified though, she doesn't think she would have become a Christian had it not been for the army lifestyle and her having to find dependence on God. Another lady in my Bible study last week, said she had never been to church before, but she knew she needed to come. What an opportunity to be used by God like never before.
The sacrifices are great... but there are some great benefits. I have this magic card now called my military ID. Let me just tell you it is awesome!! I get free healthcare and perscriptions...that's right I said FREE!! I get discounted and tax free grocery's at the comissary (that's the grocery store on post) and the PX (like a Walmart/Department store). I get free fitness center membership and I believe a certain amount of free childcare per week (when we have kids). And we even get many military discounts off post. Not only that, but in edition to Austin's salary we get an extra tax free amount for housing and living expenses. I'm not trying to brag here, but let you know that God has blessed and He is providing for us. We hope to be able to give much because we have been so blessed!
God is healing us as well from the trials of the last couple of months and is showing us new dependency on Him everyday! I love where God has us right now and I love being an army wife and a chaplain's spouse. HOOAH!!
Posted by Heather at 7:50 AM 5 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pray for Persecuted Believers in India
Article Published online in the Baptist Standard:
Christians attacked in eastern India
By Staff
Published: August 27, 2008
WASHINGTON (BWA)—Christians are under attack in the state of Orissa in eastern India, where more than 600 churches have been demolished, 4,000 Christians forced to flee from their villages, and at least 25 killed as a result of violent persecution, Baptist World Alliance officials reported.
“Unfortunate events have taken place in Orissa in recent days. These began with the senseless killing of Hindu Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. … I am disappointed by the false claim that Christians have responsibility for this murder, and I am saddened by the atrocities being visited on Christians in Orissa,” Baptist World Alliance General Secretary Neville Callam said.
Vishwa Hindu Parishad religious leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his associates were murdered in the Kandhamal District of Orissa Aug. 23. Although a Maoist group claimed responsibility for the murders, supporters of the slain leader claim that Christians were behind the killings. Hindu fundamentalists have launched a series of attacks against Christians in retaliation.
Since Aug. 24, churches, schools and other institutions, prayer rooms, and homes of Christians have been ransacked and burned. Christians have been assaulted, and reportedly at least 25 have been killed—some burned alive or cut into pieces.
In an Aug. 26 e-mail to the BWA, Swarupananda Patra, General Secretary of the All Orissa Baptist Churches Federation, said “All Christian villages (are) empty in Kandhamal as Christians, old and young, sick and pregnant mothers (are) hiding in forests exposed to the non-stop monsoon rains without food.”
Kandhamal is the hardest hit, with at least eight Christians killed and almost all Christian homes demolished, he reported, but Christians in the districts of Balasore, Bargarh, and Kalahandi are also experiencing severe persecution.
P. Ramesh Kumar, Principal of the Balasore Technical School, reported to the BWA on Aug. 25: “We are all under immense danger and threat from these groups. … Please continue to uphold us in your prayer particularly for the safety of Christian brothers and sisters who are now hiding themselves in jungles.”
“I appeal to the governing authorities in India to intervene to save the lives of the many who are being victimized in the current crisis,” Callam said. “Respect for the principle of religious liberty and the sacredness of human life requires nothing less. I also appeal to all Baptists worldwide to pray God’s protection for our brothers and sisters in Orissa.”
Patra also appealed for prayer. “Now we have no request except prayer from our Baptist world as we do not know how to face tomorrow.”
This is not the first time Christians in Orissa have experienced violent attacks. In December 2007, Hindu militants burned about 90 churches and 600 homes, killing 10 people.
Several Baptist conventions and unions in Orissa state are member bodies of the BWA, with total membership in Orissa of nearly 500,000 baptized believers and about 3,500 churches.
Posted by Heather at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
As many of you may know, Austin and I are in a transition time. We just moved last week to Colorado Springs where Austin will be stationed at Fort Carson, CO as an army chaplain. I am so very proud of him for all that God has done in and through him to get him to this place where he will be able to minister to soldiers and serve his country. I am excited about the call God has placed on my heart and life for this type of ministry as well. It is much more new to me (Austin grew up an army brat and a pastor's kid), but I am nonetheless excited and passionate about the ministry to these men and women and their families. My role will be different, but I am excited about the new challenges that lie ahead.
We drove across country this past week from upstate NY to Colorado. We had many tireless hours on the road, but we briefly saw Chicago and many fields of corn in Nebraska--not even kidding there was corn everywhere!! When we reached Colorado Springs Saturday evening, I was completely amazed!! It is amazing! The mountains are everywhere and are the most beautiful backdrop ever. Everytime we go outside, I am thrown by their majesty and beauty. I keep saying, "Whoa, can you believe we live here!" I tried to post pics, but we have bad internet in the hotel, I will post them soon!
Of course, to move to a new place, you must leave an old. That is hard as well. As we went to church Sunday, we dearly missed our Outpouring family in Oswego. We miss our relationships and our comfortable, familiar fellowship. Here, we know no one and it feels sort of lonely. But, we know this is just the season and soon we will become familiar with this place and it will be home. We will always miss our Outpouring friends, but we know that this is where God has us. We are truly blessed as we follow after Him!!
PS. Thanks for those who have been praying for us during our time of loss. Thanks for the comments you have left even if you didn't know what to say. And if you didn't , but wanted to, that's ok too! We are blessed to have godly friends and family who pray for us.
Posted by Heather at 2:29 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Story for Those Who Have Experienced Loss
This is a story I read on another person's blog talking about the loss of a baby through miscarriage. It was really encouraging to me and although I shed tears when reading it, I can't help but feeling eased by the thought of our sweet child in heaven.
Derek is the nephew of a dear friend. I met him 7 years ago when he was 11 or 12 years old. He came over to dinner with them because they were babysitting him while his mom was on her honeymoon. Derek and his dad were in a horrible car accident 3 years prior, and his dad had died. Derek, himself, died 3 times (at the scene and in the ambulance). Paramedics were able to revive him each time, but he ended up in a coma that lasted for 2 months. His mom never left his side in ICU the whole time. He was all she had left. and she prayed he would wake up. and worried how she would tell him about what had happened. Would he even remember the accident?
One day, about 2 months later, Derek woke up. Before she could even tell him about the accident or ask him anything, he told her "Dad's in Heaven". She was shocked that he knew that! When she asked him how he knew, he told her he'd been to Heaven 3 times. The first time he went, he saw his dad there and talked with him. The second time he went, he told her he met his 4 brothers and sisters. He described them, what they were like, and that there were two boys and two girls. She was speechless. See, Derek was an only child. She'd had 4 miscarriages, early on, before he was born. She'd never told him about them. (tears again) The third time he went to Heaven, he met Jesus. He showed Derek around, and then told him he had to go home, and be with his mom, that it wasn't his time to come There yet. But He wanted Derek to tell everyone he met about This Place, and what It was like...
When I met Derek, he'd just finished interviewing with 20/20 to share his story. But his mom had decided at the last minute not to air it for fear they would diminish what he had experienced. Derek was a lively boy, with scars on his face and body from the plates and screws that had been put in during multiple reconstructive surgeries. His aunt told me he would at times be humming a song in the car, on the way somewhere, and his mom would ask him what it was because it was so pretty. He always told her, "I don't know the name of it... it's one of the ones I heard the angels singing while I was in Heaven".
I tell you his story for this reason friends: I asked him one time when he was running by me, to PLEEEASE tell me what did Jesus look like? He was too busy playing to entertain me. I even offered to pay him five dollars if he'd tell me! Nope, too busy, not now. I begged him later to tell me what his brothers and sisters looked like (fighting back tears, trying to act cool and nonchalont, imagining my own unborn babies up there). He said, "they looked just like us, like kids, running around and playing!"
Ladies, I'm sorry for the long comment. But I had to share this because my heart is beating out of my chest as I type. For those of you out there who've lost a little one before you got to hold them, Derek's story has brought me more hope and encouragement for what my babies are doing right now as I live my life here without them, and the eternity we'll have together one day when I WILL hold them, than I could ever put into words here.
Posted by Heather at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
In the Refiners Fire
There are definitely things in life you go through that you wish you could change. Sometimes you feel that not talking about them will change the fact that you are going through it...but it doesn't. As the body of belivers, we are called to rejoice and mourn with one another. I thought about that statement about 2 and a half months ago when I found out that I was pregnant. Many people do not tell people until they are through their first trimester because of the risk of loss in early pregnancy. I couldn't help it! I was so excited that as soon as I told Austin, all of our family quickly were told along with many friends. We talked about waiting, but we had been praying for a while for a child and I was so sure that God had provided our answer. At eight weeks I saw the heartbeat and it was amazing! I was so excited to be pregnant and even more excited to be a mom. What a gift! I took all the care in the world and our friends and family celebrated with us and took extra good care of me and my little one as well. We had dreams and goals for this little one and the body of believers who knew our news joined in on those dreams. It was a time of rejoicing. Then almost 2 weeks ago, I found that our dreams were not happening as planned and our little one went to be with Jesus. We were devastated and heartbroken. And I thought back to that decision I made to tell because we are called to rejoice and mourn with fellow believers alike...And I wouldn't have done anything differntly. The prayers that have gone out and those who have mourned with us, has actually helped Austin and I grieve and praise God even through this trial. I don't write this to bring attention to us or our loss, but to bring glory to God. He is holding us so tight...I have never felt Him so close. If I could wish to have it different, in my humaness I would, but God knows something bigger, better. Our little one has purposes yet to fulfill on this earth, but they will have to be fulfilled through us, his/her parents. I know God will use this brief life and our devasting loss to minister to a hurting world. I know many of you have gone through something similar and maybe more quietly and that is fine, but know that the fellowship of God's people in suffering is amazing. I could sit on the why me's for an eternity, but God knew that we could handle it and He grieves with us. He wants to use our hurt for good...ours and others. The best you can do for us is pray and take encouragement from the joy that God is bringing even while we are still hurting.
Posted by Heather at 9:17 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's Gonna Be Worth It
Sometimes songs help us put into words what we are feeling better than we can at the moment. The words of this song spoke to me this week and maybe they will speak to you as well.
I don't understand Your ways
Oh but I will give You my song
Give You all of my praise
You hold on to all my pain
With it You are pulling me closer
And pulling me into Your ways
Now around every corner
And up every mountain
I'm not looking for crowns
Or the water from fountains
I'm desperate in seeking, frantic believing
That the sight of Your face
Is all that I need
I will say to You
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it all
I believe this
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it
It's gonna be worth it all
I believe this
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it all
I believe this
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it
You're gonna be worth it all
I believe this
Lyrics by Rita Springer
Posted by Heather at 3:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
More on Romania
These pictures are from one of my favorite days of ministering in Romania. We were allowed to come into an elderly home in Brasov. The employees told our contact that most likely the people there would be mean and unreceptive to us. We prayed before we walked in that God would open the doors for us to minister to them. The very first room we went into we got to sing to two ladies and I just sat down and held one of their hands. Instantly, they begin to light up and speak to us about how happy they were we were there. We got to meet with many more as they flooded to the lounges on their floor. We couldn't have long conversations with most of them because our Romanian was not great, but we just hugged them and held there hands. We sang some more praise songs to them. Some of the women looked like stone statues when they came in and as soon as we began singing and loving on them, they would just cry. They told stories of how no one comes to visit them and how their families do not care for them. By the end, we saw God's presence dwelling in this place and ministering to the forgotten. It was pure joy.
The lady holding me sooo soo close in the above picture was one of my favorite. She was blind. She actually could have the surgery to see again, but could not afford it. Since she was blind and we couldn't speak the same language, we had to communicate in a different way. I was drawn to here when I walked in the room. She was just sitting in a chair and staring off at the wall. I came and put my hand on hers and she immediately grabed me and pulled me close to her. She gave me hugs and kisses and through an interpreter she told me she was so happy I was here. I don't think I have ever experienced love from a complete stranger like that. I was here to minister to her and she was ministering to me! It was quite amazing to see God break down the walls these older people had put up and watch them be joyous and almost youthful again! What a blessing we had the opportunity to be a part of!
Posted by Heather at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Romania Pictures
The beautiful city of Brasov, Romania. It looks like a little fairytale city!
More at the Orphanage.
Some of the orphans we worked with in Valenii.
The small town of Valenii de Munte, Romania.
Posted by Heather at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
On the last leg of the Journey!
We are now in Vienna and will leave on Thursday to make the long trek back to Oswego. First we will fly from Vienna (we flew in from Bucharest, Romania yesterday)and stop in Madrid. Then from Madrid we will fly into JFK New York City where we are renting 2 cars to drive to Syracuse. From there we will be picked up by some great volunteers at around 1am to drive the last 45 minutes back to Oswego! We had an amazing time in Romania and I look forward to sharing it all when I have more time and a better keyboard..not a German one! I also will post some pics!
Posted by Heather at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
We have arrived!
Thank you all for praying. Our travel has been safe thus far. We finally reached our destination in Romania yesterday morning. We spent 2 days in Vienna after a long drive to NYC from Oswego and a layover in Madrid, Spain. Let's just say we were super tired. God has already blessed us so much. Our guitar (which we are using quite a bit for music ministry in the church and orphanges) did not arrive with us to Vienna. It finally arrived to the airport, but they never delivered it to the hotel. We left for Romania at 5 am and our airline was not yet open, so we didn't think we would get the guitar since it was a different airline. We stop and asked God to help us with this tool we needed for our mission. Low and behold when we got off the plane in Bucharest, Romania there was the guitar! We are now in a small village 2 hours north of Bucharest called Valleni de Munte. We were told we would not be able to take a shower for the 6 days we were here and would in essence be "roughing it". We got here to find we have exceptional accomodations with showers and the heat is not to bad here. Also, a little blessing for Austin and I is that the pastor's daughter and her husband are allowing us to stay with them together in their home!
Yesterday afternoon we got to go to the state orphanage here to play with the girl orphans their. We sang with them and practiced our very bad Romanian. We played games outside and I got to sit and talk with some of the older girl orphans. They are 18-21. Some of them had great English and we talked about what they liked and their relationship with Jesus. We will go back this afternoon. It is such a huge blessing to be there to love on them and give them the attention they are in such need of. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and I will keep this updated. I won't be able to put pictures on until I return, but it is beautiful here. We are in the mountains and there are lots of gardens and animals and some people even travel by horse and buggy! So surreal.
Posted by Heather at 4:24 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Prayer Requests for Romania
So we leave tomorrow morning to NYC to fly out of JFK tomorrow evening to Romania. If you would like to pray, here are some requests. I'm going to try and keep up with this blog during the trip when we have access to the Internet! Thanks for your prayers!
Prayer Requests for Romania:
1. To see with God’s eyes, hear with His that we’ll be sensitive to His leading.
3. That we would understand the Father’s love and that His love would be apparent, visible, and received.
4. That God would teach us to pray and pray boldly. As we pray, that His power would be let loose and we would see miracles...!
5. Unity for the team.
6. Safety for the team.
7. Health!!!
8. For the language barrier.
9. That people would be open to God and His Love.
July 4-9: Valenii de Munte, a small village in Southern Romania
Here we will work with Pastor Viktor, be living with older orphans in the Dorcas Home, and we’ll be ministering to 60 young girls in a local state-run orphanage doing soccer camps, art (& music!) camp, and English camp.\We will also minister in Pastor Viktor’s church via a worship concert and sharing testimonies. Finally, we will be having Bible Studies with the Dorcas Girls (the older orphans).
Please pray for us as we serve in Valenii de Munte!
July 9-14: Brasov, a large city in Central Romania
Here, we’ll help our friend Kati establish and expose the Petros Association, a foundation that we are helping begin to bring help and hope to those in need in Romania. We will do this through worship concerts, and by helping begin renovation on a facility donated to the Petros Association.
We intend also to visit orphanages and elderly homes where we will have parties and spend time singing, dancing, face painting, playing games, doing music, giving hand massages....basically we want to love on them! We also hope to work in an infant orphanage to do touch therapy.
Please pray for our work in Brasov!
Posted by Heather at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Prayer for My Cousin
Click here for an update on my cousin who deploys with the Army sometime next month. I'm so proud of him and of his sacrifice for us and his country. Whatever you may feel about war, please pray for those serving and laying down their lives. I cried as I read. Soldiers are even dearer to my heart these days! Thanks for your prayers!
Posted by Heather at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Heading to Romania
In nine days Austin and I along with 8 other church members will be traveling to Romania for a mission trip. We are getting so excited. We will be working with a church and other Romanian Christians to minister to orphans and the poor in Romania. We will be doing some construction to repair a building for the beginnings of Petros Association, a Christian ministry that will reach out to widows and older orphans, abandoned by the government. We will also put on programs for orphanages and give testimonies as well as encourage churches and do prayer ministry in the streets! Romania has just joined the EU, but is still struggling as they have just been coming out of communist rule in the past 10 years or so. They are struggling under uprising prices, but not increasing salaries and jobs. Pray for those who are hurting and we are being called to minister to.
I love going to other countries. This will be like the 12th country I have been to on a mission trip. This trip is even more special because it is my first mission trip as a married woman and I am blessed to get to go with my husband. The Lord allowed us to raise the money we needed for both of us to go! What a joy!! I can't wait to share overseas ministry with my hubbie! Our team is incredible and I think it is going to be a great time. We will be traveling to Vienna, Austria and 2 cities in Romania on our trip and will be gone 17 days. We would love to have your prayers as we travel and minister!
Posted by Heather at 3:23 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Encouragement for those helping in Myanmar
Here is an email I received. If you want to send messages to my email I will collect them and add them to the email I send. My email is
Hi, I am inviting you to write an encouraging message to your national brothers and sisters over here and I will compile the messages and send them on to them.
The situation:
There are believers here who have been working tirelessly since the storm to help the suffering. They are exhausted and sometimes feel very alone because of the "road blocks" placed upon their situation. They feel helpless because of the enormity of the situation. Many of them must go through flooded places, not only flooded with water but dead bodies which are still there, to reach the survivors. The people who were in refugee camps have mostly been taken back to their homelands with no roofs, no livelihood, and no promise for help.
The brothers and sisters you will write to are the ones who are going out, feeding, doctoring, saving, loving, transporting these victims. They are completely exhausted and have no encouraging words left. They know they are not alone, but they feel alone. Just to tell them that they have brothers and sisters all over the world who are praying for them was encouraging, but I thought to actually hear from you would be exponentially more encouraging.
You can include a scripture. Please, pray about this. They come back in to the city one time a week, confer with each other, replenish supplies, have meetings and update each other on the situation. As they come back in I would like to line their meeting room walls with real words of encouragement that come from real people who are praying for them. Include your first name and a generic description of where you live (i.e., John in Denver, Colorado).
Posted by Heather at 8:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My Best Friend Had Her Baby!
YAY!! My best friend had her very first baby boy, Nathan Lee Hickey, last Friday evening! I'm so proud of her and her baby is just precious. I get to be unofficial auntie to him and wish I could be there to hold him and help his momma out! Love you Sarah! Check out their page at my links The Hickeys!!
Posted by Heather at 9:04 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
LOST Season Finale
Ok so I don't usually post these types of posts to my blog. But I can't resist. I became a LOST fan this past January when it was snowy and I was stuck in doors. I had never watched a full episode so I watched seasons 1-3 within three weeks to prepare for the start of season 4. I was hooked. I would watch late at night while Austin slept and I had to convince myself to go to sleep and not click on the next episode to play. I was LOST obsessed! It was difficult to go from that to one hour a week! I must say I am still a huge fan and last night's episode is exactly why! This season, I have been a little disappointed at times but the last three episodes have reverted back to the LOST I fell "in love" with! The characters have definitely evolved. I love it when they are on the island. I don't really like the characters when they are shown off the island. They seem to be better people on the island and that might be on purpose (maybe even better actors!)
So last night's episode recapped. Loved the battle with the new enemy. Loved that we got to see the Others again. Liked the fact that John Locke will be in charge of them now that Ben has had to move the island and be banished (love that he is banished!). Was so glad that my prediction from earlier than this season was right on with John being the one in the coffin. Very confused by him being back here and dead. Also, if Jack does get all the Oceanic 6 convinced to go back to the island, will John Locke rise from the dead as the new Jeremy Betham? Don't worry if you have never watched LOST and are confused by this post. LOST is generally confusing. I loved the amount of questions answered and new questions posed. I can finally see how they are going to make a few more seasons happen now. Loved that Sawyer sacrificed himself for the good of the group (real growth of the character). Still unsure about where the island went when it was moved. Thought the disappearing island was awesome. Loved Penny and Desmond's moment of reunion and the kiss---I clapped! I hate that none of the Oceanic 6 seem to like each other or trust one another. I hate that Jack is a druggie, Hurley is crazy, Walt is like a giant and no one goes to see him, Kate is bitter and wayyy protective of little Aaron, Sun is acting more and more like her father, and Saiyd...well he works for Ben and is killing people. Of course, he was an Iraqi torturer previously--not sure if it is a step up or not! I was sad about Jin, but I'm still wondering if we will see him again. I'm sad that Claire is gone...what is the deal with her and she dead? So much that all I can say is LOST rocked my socks off!!! Can't wait until another great season!
Posted by Heather at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Some time for Reflection...
When I was single and working in New York, I was so diligent about emailing people about all that was going all and all that God was teaching me. I would email every week almost. I have realized that I have been bad about that as we have been in Oswego. In the beginning we sent out newsletters, but we have badly fallen behind. But, it is not because God hasn't been teaching us and doing amazing things in our midst. Quite the opposite! We have been learning to trust God for so many things and He has kept us quite "busy" with the ministry and people here. Most of our friends and family get to here some of the updates, but I wanted to share more intimately.
God has been sooooo good to us! Do we struggle sometimes, YES! of course we do. We are human after all. There are some things about living in a small town with no couples are age that leave us feeling like we are doing this alone. But God has provided for us and blessed us in ways that we are still finding out! We can't help but praise Him. We are learning to trust Him anew. Austin and I get the joy of spending lots of time together, but we have also had to learn to minister alongside one another in away that most couples never do. We have our differences of opinions at times, but I have been so blessed to have a husband who loves me and respects my opinions as much as I do his. We have had to learn to put aside ourselves to serve each other and the others around us. We are still learning, but God is a faithful and patient teacher. We both realize that we will probably never ever have this type of opportunity again, so starting off our marriage this way has been so fun!
The Outpouring Church struggled to find its place our first semester, but since the spring we have seen God truly outpour His Spirit among these people in this place. People are responding to God's call, so thanks to the faithful among you who pray for us and our ministry. We have seen many of the students raise up into leaders who are willing to learn and grow from us and with us. This church is seen as an experiment to many, and if it is, I think that we have found something that works! But I think it is more that God is at work and He is bringing people to himself. We have seen 3 students baptized and several come to Christ. The church is averaging around 50 to 60 people! We were given favor with the campus and they let us use this state of the art auditorium to meet in every week for our worship service. Since we moved our service to noon on Sundays, we tend to have less students "sleeping in"! Austin and I are both ecstatic every Sunday morning to get up and see what God is going to do that day. We love getting to meet with students one-on-one and hear there hearts and also to share the gospel. We have gotten to build amazing relationships! This summer we will continue to meet with the group of about 20 or so who will be around for the summer. We will still have small group Bible studies and worship on Sunday. Pray that God uses this time of less busyness to build up the leaders and help us refocus the vision.
Another huge prayer request for Austin and I is that we are in the midst of waiting. God has been speaking to us all semester about obedience and following after Him. Before school began this January, we attended a service at a local evangelical church. During the sermon, the pastor talked about being ready for God to move you wherever he chooses. Austin and I were both deeply impacted by the message and felt it was speaking to us, but had no earthly idea what it was saying to us. So we went about the next few months when we received a phone call from the Pentagon. A Chaplain manager told Austin that he really needed to think about putting in a packet and that they would not give him a practicum (training time in the summer). We were kind of taken back and Austin felt surely that they would not accept him yet into the chaplaincy. We were under the belief that we had to do two years of post-seminary ministry to qualify. We prayed and called the North American Mission Board. Our contact there said he would get back to us and after several more conversations told Austin he believed he was ready and qualified to put in a packet.
Whoa! God? What? Is this from you? We discussed and prayed and discussed and prayed...What were we to do? According to our NAMB title we were "committed" here for 2 years. Things were going so well and we had plans already for the second year. Then God brought the earlier message from the local pastor to our minds. After much deliberation, we felt called to at least put in our packet and see what would happen. We talked with our mentors and supervisors about this. And although sad, were supportive. We talked with our student leaders, sad, but also very supportive. We were confident, after acting quickly, that we would know something by May 6th, just in time for the end of school...but no still waiting. We are in this holding pattern, but we are learning to trust God in this and believe in His sovereignty. We are both committed individuals so it is hard to say we are leaving early. But we also believe we are just a piece of God's puzzle that He is using to reach Oswego. We don't believe our service was in vain. We have to trust Him! I think about when the disciples were there with Jesus after many "followers" had abandoned Him and He asks them, "Do you want to leave too?" And Peter replies, "Where would we go?" That is how I feel. I can't go anywhere else except where God wants and calls. There is no where else to go! Please pray for us during this transition time and I will keep you updated. Sorry for the long post!!
Posted by Heather at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
I am finally graduating from seminary with my Master of Arts in Missiology (study of missions)! It has only taken me 6 years in which I have moved from Texas to Syracuse, Syracuse to Texas, worked as a campus minister, got married, and then moved from Fort Worth to South Carolina, South Carolina to Dallas and Dallas to Oswego, NY!! WOW!! I just finished my thesis this week and found out today that I passed. I will go to Texas in May to graduate along with my bro and sis in law, Jeff and Audrea Medina, and on the 100th year celebration of the seminary. The sun is shining, it is 70 something degrees in NY and I feel a huge sigh of relief!! Thanks for celebrating with me and for all who were praying and helped me get here (including my hubby, Audrea for editing, and my father in law Dr. Vann for his help!) But thanks mostly to God who has taught me so many spiritual lessons through this process and has helped me in my darkest times of it all! I love my Jesus!! YAYYY!!!!
Posted by Heather at 1:39 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Please Pray for Baby Ethan
Hello Friends and Family who read this. I have a friend from college who needs prayers for her 12 week old baby who is very sick with a rare form of leukemia. You can read more and pray for her and her family. Some of you may know Kasey "McMillan" Krawiec from DBU. I'm just passing it on!!!
Posted by Heather at 10:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
This is the new shampoo that I have been trying recently. I have the most trouble finding one that doesn't make my hair to "greasy" looking at the roots and too dry and frizzy at the bottom. My hairdresser always gets on to me for not using professional shampoo and conditioner because apparently the other kind are "bad" for your hair. So I stumbled onto Organix Shampoo's and conditioners at Walmart the other day and I noticed that some of them had a full rebate for either the conditioner or the shampoo. They were normally almost $6 for a bottle and for me that is more than I would want to pay for something that I didn't even know worked. I figured that even the cheap stuff is around $3 for each so if I got one free, then no harm done! I tried it and I have had the best hair days ever! They have organic ingredients and no sulfates to dry your hair out. My hair smells so fresh even after drying it and stays fresh smelling and looking a day or so after! I tried the coconut milk shampoo and the tea tree mint conditioner. You can check out their website here. I haven't received my rebate just yet, but already it was money well spent. Check Walmart and Target to see if this special rebate is still going on. I know alot for just some shampoo, but I love it when I find a good beauty product I can share!!
Posted by Heather at 1:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Call to Army Chaplaincy
I thought it was so great when I ran across this video today as I was doing some more research for my thesis. God broke my heart once again for our future call to serve Him in the Army as Austin becomes a chaplain. This video depicts what PBS likes to call Army Chaplaincy "boot camp". Austin took part in the completion of this very training this time last year! One of his friends from the first part of the training, David Dice, is on this video. I cried as I watched, for it is very close to my heart, but was also so proud of all of those who risk their lives and sacrifice so much for us and the world! I am proud that my husband is willing to do the same! This video shows how you can pray for the things that chaplains are challenged with especially during war time. They are faced with suffering that is more than most of us will ever see and religious pluralism, but they are allowed to share their faith as they share their lives with these soldiers. What an amazing opportunity they have to be a light in darkness! Thanks for your prayers and enjoy the video! Click here for the link. I couldn't get it to save on here as a video!!
Posted by Heather at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
The Mundanes of Life
Do you ever just long to be able to shirk the mundane tasks of life such as taking a shower, fixing your hair, doing the dishes, etc. and just walk with Jesus. I guess I am feeling that way this morning as we try to catch up in life being gone from home the last two weekends. Sometimes I just long to sit all morning with my Savior and read and pray and enjoy, but then I feel like I must get going and not be lazy or the "getting ready" of life just distracts me. I started to wonder about life in the Garden of Eden. Did Eve have to worry about being clean or cleaning up the garden floor? It seems that they were not distracted my mundane life and that there "perfect" bodies may have been self-cleaning. I know this is a weird thought, and Austin chuckled at me as I asked what he thought about this--theologically speaking. Of course, all of this is speculation, so don't think me a heretic. I just would long to have a week of walking perfectly with God...but I guess that is a desire that we all have...a longing that will only be fulfilled at the culmination of time as we will once again walk with our Savior undistracted. For those who have children, I know this is probably even more of a desire! I pray for all of us that we will have a moment in our day where we get to truly walk in the garden with Jesus.
Posted by Heather at 8:27 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
An Encouragement for the Weary and Those Who Are Mourning
Austin's grandfather, Daddy Dick, just passed away this week and I have been talking with others who have lost someone close to them or are struggling with death. As I was reading in Isaiah today, I was so encouraged by this passage of a New Heaven and New Earth in Isaiah 65. I hope it will encourage any who might read this or you might be able to use it to encourage someone else. My thoughts and prayers are with Austin's family during this time.
17 "Behold, I will create
new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered,
nor will they come to mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever
in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight
and its people a joy.
19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem
and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and of crying
will be heard in it no more.
20 "Never again will there be in it
an infant who lives but a few days,
or an old man who does not live out his years;
he who dies at a hundred
will be thought a mere youth;
he who fails to reach [a] a hundred
will be considered accursed.
21 They will build houses and dwell in them;
they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 No longer will they build houses and others live in them,
or plant and others eat.
For as the days of a tree,
so will be the days of my people;
my chosen ones will long enjoy
the works of their hands.
23 They will not toil in vain
or bear children doomed to misfortune;
for they will be a people blessed by the LORD,
they and their descendants with them.
24 Before they call I will answer;
while they are still speaking I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox,
but dust will be the serpent's food.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,"
says the LORD.
Posted by Heather at 6:03 AM 1 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
This is a little questionnaire that Kathy tagged me on her blog to answer these questions...So here goes!
Where was I ten years ago?
I was a senior in high school. I worked at Express in the mall and spent most of my time with the youth group at church and hanging out with my friends! So I guess my 10 year high school reunion must be this I'm old!
Things on my To-Do List today:
Well today is the beginning of Spring Break for our students, so after work I'm just chilling...although I do have some thank you notes to write. Also, I'm waiting to watch LOST tonight!
What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire?
I'm with Kathy...I'd be paying off school loans, pay off our car payments and any other bills. Then I would plan an amazing vacation to Bora Bora where Austin and I would make up for our honeymoon (Austin was sick with the flu) in our lovely over the water bungalo and our own private butler. Probably give a lot to missions...then probably put a down payment on a house somewhere! I'd like a sail boat as well...Traveling all over would be on the list too...
3 of my bad habits.
1. Procrastination.
2. Letting my bedroom get incredibly messy!
3. Not getting up early enough!
5 jobs I’ve had.
1. Gift Shop Cashier
2. Barista- college coffee shop
3. Working for a Traffic Lawyer-he gets rid of traffic tickets!
4. Valet Parker
5. Campus Minister
6. Missions Recruiter
5 Things you don’t know about me.
1. I could spend at least an hour a day on facebook seeing everyone's updates. (Maybe that should be under bad habits!)
2. I'm planning to go back to school to become a registered dietician.
3. I secretly wish I was a good enough cook to go on the TV show Top Chef.(I do really love to cook!)
4. I love to take cycle/spin classes at the gym and would love to teach a class someday.
5. I sleep so much better when I have just put new clean sheets on the bed...I love them!
I tag Audrea, Katy, Lucy, Nancy, and Amanda.
Posted by Heather at 2:09 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What Punctuation Mark are You?
I got this from my friend Kathy's Blog and she is a question mark which helps to explain why we were best friends all through middle school/high school...I'm a comma. Just thought it would be something fun!!
You Are a Comma |
![]() You are open minded and extremely optimistic. You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything. You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests. You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time. Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to. (But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.) You excel in: Inspiring people You get along best with: The Question Mark |
Posted by Heather at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Sun Disappeared Today!
I'm so sad. The sun has gone! When you get sunny days in February in upstate NY it is a pure treat. We had 3 days of sunshine in a row. All that vitamin D was like an adreniline rush to my system. I had been stuck in bed all last week with the flu so the sunshine was an extra blessing. Saturday, Austin and I actually went down to Syracuse and hung out. It didn't seem like too much of a hassle with the snow melting. Then yesterday it was 40 degrees and the sun was pouring in our office window. I pulled myself right up next to the window and let the sun beam down on me until I was hot to the touch! It felt amazing! I was energized and able to work on my thesis. Thank you Lord for the sun. You don't realize how much you miss it until it disappears and a gray snowy day takes its place! Today, I am questioning God's purpose for snow!
Posted by Heather at 8:54 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Get a Flu Shot People!!
I was just discussing with one of our students about the flu shot and whether or not I should get one. As my last words, I commented that, "I haven't had the flu since middle school." Then Saturday morning I woke up feeling achy and coughing with a terrible headache. By the end of the day I had a fever and aches and chills. I got no sleep that night after sleeping most of the day on Saturday. I had to miss church and by the end of Sunday I was miserable with a temp of 101. I could only keep the temp down for a couple of hours before I would get terrible chills and it would go up again. I would wake up at 3 am in a terrible coughing fit and would toss and turn most of the night. I tried not to keep my husband up. I was not myself and probably not very appreciative of my husband's ways of serving me and making me "comfortable". I was a bad patient. Finally I went to the doctor's office on Monday morning which is thank the Lord is only a minute from my house. He said, "Well I think you have the flu." He did give me some Tamiflu which is antiviral medicine to help you get over it faster. Since the flu is a virus and is always changing strands, it just helps if you get it within the first couple of days and doesn't cure it. I have been coughing my head off, laying around, dealing with a sore throat and haven't had a good night's sleep yet! I realized that I spent about $65 on drs visit, medicine, and other sickly goods. A flu shot would have cost me about $20 and saved me several days of sickness. So I tell this tale to say, get your flu shot if you can. I know you can still get the flu even if you get the shot...but it is soooo worth it!
Although I do have to say that my poor sister-in-law, Audrea, has had it with all her 10 plagues and her funny story on her blog, makes me appreciate that all I have is the flu!
Posted by Heather at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Our First Year Together!
So on January 27, Austin and I celebrated one year of marriage together! I cannot believe that we have already been married a year. It went so quickly! Of course, we were quite busy. Austin graduated from seminary, we got married, Austin moved into my apartment and two weeks later we were packing up to move to South Carolina where we lived for a month and a half. Austin graduated from Chaplain School and I was there bursting with pride! Then we moved back to Dallas and lived with my in-laws for month while we were waiting for everything to go through for us to move to NY. In May, we made the cross-country move (a very long three days!) to Oswego, NY. During the summer, God used us to begin to plant a collegiate church at Oswego State University! WOW!!
So much has happened, but I think the most awesome thing is that we got to do it all together. God has strengthened us not only in our walk with Him, but in our relationship. We have learned so much about relying on each other and our friendship and love has grown immensely. We have the joy and privilege to spend our days working side by side. Austin has shown that he loves to serve me and that he is always working at being a better and better husband! He amazes me every day! I have gotten to watch him grow into a pastor, a preacher, a great discipler and evangelist! We laugh everyday and never go to bed without a goodnight kiss! I know most of you more experienced married people may say, "Oh you're just newlyweds!" But I hold out hope that we will keep working at loving each other and laughing a lot. Our first year has not been perfect...we have had our shares of trials and challenges, but we have learned to fight through them together! I'm just blessed! I waited 27 years for the love of my life! I am so grateful to my God for bringing the person absolutely perfect for me. Someone who encourages me, but challenges me to be more like Jesus everyday! I love you Austin!! Happy One Year!!!
Thanks to all for letting me share this sappy stuff with you!
Posted by Heather at 6:37 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Things I love about Oswego...or will appreciate when I leave!
1. That I can get anywhere in about 10 minutes...or less.
2. I never worry about getting a parking space.
3. The word hurry does not exist.
4. The beautiful lake.
5. The wonderful relationships we have built.
6. Snow...ok I love snow. I complain about it sometimes, but deep down I really do think I love it. And I get winter amnesia after every I know I will miss it!
7. Being able to wear wool sweaters and winter boots and other cute winter clothing!
8. great as winter is, nothing compares to summer on the lake, bike rides to get ice cream, long not too hot summer days... and did I mention ice cream!
9. The Outpouring Church. I love doing church with our people...truly wonderful! And getting to work side by side with my hubby rocks!
10. Being right where God has you...nothing better!!
Posted by Heather at 10:43 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
Flip Flops in January
For those of you who are in Texas or anywhere south for that matter, flip flops in January does not seem that crazy of a notion. But for upstate NY it is really not believable. I should have taken a picture to memorialize the occasion, but I was too busy enjoying sunshine and warmth in January. On Tuesday, the temperature in our area reached 69 degrees!! I was amazed and had to break out the flip flops and toe nail polish. We took a trip for a campus minister's meeting down to Jersey in the NYC area. It got a little cooler on Wednesday due to wind and rain, but I still needed no heavy coat. I just thought I would rejoice in that moment, because next week we will get regular snowy weather. I hope you all are enjoying your January...and Texans...appreciate the flip flop wearing days in January that you get!
Also, funny story...while we were in NYC we went to this pizza place that is actually in A.W. Tozier's old church. It was a really cool place full of people with lots of atmosphere. So we order our pizza's and begin to chow down on our garlic bread when the fire alarm goes off. It's so interesting the way people react to a fire alarm. Some people ignored it, including the wait staff, and others were looking around and trying to figure out what is going on. I was looking for any clue from the restaurant as to what we were supposed to do. Finally, a manager or hostess said there really was a fire and we needed to get out. So we flooded out to the street many people with pizza in hand, while the people at the bar and in the waiting area seemed not to be disturbed by the mass exodus. There is not much place to go on a NYC sidewalk once you are outside and within a few minutes the fire trucks we figured there would be an indefinite delay on our pizza order. So that was our visit to the little pizza place/old historic church! We ended up getting pizza at a little place in Little Italy.
Posted by Heather at 7:58 AM 3 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
The World Wide Gypsy Holiday Tour!
So I finally talked myself into sitting down and writing my long needed blog entry. Austin and I have literally been across the country and back. Austin called it our World Wide Gypsy Holiday Tour---and that it certainly was! We left a couple of weeks into December in order to make it to see everyone on our itinerary. We drove 14 hours the first day. The excitement of a new journey, seeing family and friends, and taking a little break was so great that getting up at 4 and only stopping 3 times until we got to Nashville seemed like a breeze! We saw my grandparents in Mississippi, Austin's parents/siblings and some friends in Dallas, my parents and sister in Houston, other Vann siblings in Atlanta and then finished up our tour in D.C. just for fun!! Let's just say that driving 4,000 miles and over 40 something hours, sounded like a better idea in theory than in reality. We had a blast seeing everyone, but by the time we were done we were ready for our own bed and to not have to live out of a suitcase any longer.
One of the best things about our trip was time spent with our family especially the two new editions, nieces- Makennah Grace and Scarlett Lucille! We were truly blessed. God allowed us to be able to travel not only for time with our loved ones, but to speak with a few of our supporting churches. We were blessed with the ability to go and with the gifts that we received. God has truly provided! We hope that we are able to be as generous in the future. We had lots of laughs with so many people. We were sad that Audrea had to go through so much over Christmas and that she and Jeff didn't get quite the Christmas they expected...although I have a feeling 2008 is going to be an awesome year for them!! So now that we have begun to get back our routine of sleeping in our own beds and trying to recover from eating a lot of holiday food and resting a little too much...we are glad to say Happy New Year and a big thanks to all who hosted us this holiday season. We love you all. Hear are some pics. New Years resolutions should be the next of my hopefully more consistent blog entries!! Enjoy!!
Almost a whole year of wedded bliss! Merry Christmas!!
Crazy Uncles!! What are they doing to you Raegie Roo!! Christian displaying her beautiful Barbie horse!
Little Ethan showing off his Cars on Christmas Eve!
We love all our nieces and nephews...she just lets us cuddle her the most!
Hanging out in DC in front of the Washington Monument.
Raegan is so sweet...she gets lots of Unkie's attention!
Our first Christmas as a married couple!!
Me and my sister celebrating my dad's birthday! Gideon posing for his pic!!
Posted by Heather at 6:14 PM 1 comments