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Monday, September 8, 2008

Being an Army Wife

When I knew that someday I would become an army wife, I did all I could to know about and prepare for life in the army. I even got hooked on this lifetime show called Army Wives last summer. It is an awesome show and the chaplain even got some play time on last nights episode! (I told Austin I thought he could have done better with marriage counseling than this guy!)

Being as prepared as I was, nothing could have prepared me for how much I love it already! Of course, my husband is not deployed right now (probably May or June '09), but I am already so grateful for what God has provided here. I prayed for friendships, and I have already been over to one of the spouses houses for lunch and invited by several others. I meet women from all walks of life, but who are so real and have a strength I have seen little of in other places. I have been attending a ministry Bible study on Tuesday mornings called Protestant Women of the Chapel or PWOC for short. I know it doesn't sound riveting, but on those days I feel so encouragd and so excitd to be where I am. I guess you just make friendships quicker since everyone is usually always going and coming. And, you learn to depend on each other much quicker because your spouses are gone often. I have never felt like an outsider...I'm in the club. They understand a part of my life, no offense to my civilian friends and family, that is so important- my call to live this life and minister to people in the military. And in such a short amount of time!

Granted there are huge sacrifices that they make/have made and I will make in the coming months and years. Many of them are on there third or fourth deployment over the last five or six years! As one lady testified though, she doesn't think she would have become a Christian had it not been for the army lifestyle and her having to find dependence on God. Another lady in my Bible study last week, said she had never been to church before, but she knew she needed to come. What an opportunity to be used by God like never before.

The sacrifices are great... but there are some great benefits. I have this magic card now called my military ID. Let me just tell you it is awesome!! I get free healthcare and perscriptions...that's right I said FREE!! I get discounted and tax free grocery's at the comissary (that's the grocery store on post) and the PX (like a Walmart/Department store). I get free fitness center membership and I believe a certain amount of free childcare per week (when we have kids). And we even get many military discounts off post. Not only that, but in edition to Austin's salary we get an extra tax free amount for housing and living expenses. I'm not trying to brag here, but let you know that God has blessed and He is providing for us. We hope to be able to give much because we have been so blessed!

God is healing us as well from the trials of the last couple of months and is showing us new dependency on Him everyday! I love where God has us right now and I love being an army wife and a chaplain's spouse. HOOAH!!


Lucy said...

I'm glad to hear it's going so well. My dad was retired military so I know all about the commissary. My mom still drives 45 minutes once a month to buy groceries.

Heather said...

Plus I get to see my very handsome husband in a uniform everyday...NICE!! And he has to shave everyday...even NICER!!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! SO COOL!
I love it when God provides especially through free stuff that he brings along and you know it's from Him!

melanie swan said...

I'm hoping you'll remember me....Melanie Barry (though now my last name is Swan), lived across the hall from you in the dorm my senior year at DBU, Mati Martinez's roommate..... ANYWAY, I found your blog through Audrea's a while back and check in on it every now and then. I felt compelled to leave a comment this time. :)

I, too, am a military wife. Welcome to the club!! My husband, Rich, is an Army Black Hawk pilot, and for the most part, he loves it. I do too, though admittedly, I am still getting used to the military way. I'm so glad that you've been so welcomed into your community, and pray that the blessings continue to abound!

You're welcome to check out my blog. It's at

It is a business blog, but I also post a good amount of personal stuff on there too. :)

Alpha 1 Vann Clan said...

I am so glad you are in such a great place in your life right now. We are so proud of all you and Austin are doing to serve our Lord.
Kim Vann