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Friday, April 11, 2008

The Call to Army Chaplaincy

I thought it was so great when I ran across this video today as I was doing some more research for my thesis. God broke my heart once again for our future call to serve Him in the Army as Austin becomes a chaplain. This video depicts what PBS likes to call Army Chaplaincy "boot camp". Austin took part in the completion of this very training this time last year! One of his friends from the first part of the training, David Dice, is on this video. I cried as I watched, for it is very close to my heart, but was also so proud of all of those who risk their lives and sacrifice so much for us and the world! I am proud that my husband is willing to do the same! This video shows how you can pray for the things that chaplains are challenged with especially during war time. They are faced with suffering that is more than most of us will ever see and religious pluralism, but they are allowed to share their faith as they share their lives with these soldiers. What an amazing opportunity they have to be a light in darkness! Thanks for your prayers and enjoy the video! Click here for the link. I couldn't get it to save on here as a video!!