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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not what I had planned...

I have thought about blogging many times in the last 10 weeks about what has been going on in my life and my family's life, but every time I tried I just felt overwhelmed. This was not what I had planned...

Ezra came 2 weeks early...
Austin missed the birth...
Austin comes home for R&R two weeks early...
My dad's back problems turned into cancer - stage 4 lymphoma...

I had planned that my husband would be gone this year, but in my plans things would go much different. I had tons of things planned to make my year go by faster; to make a difference ministering to soldiers' wives; to improve myself in the process. Things don't always go as planned, but I have no doubt that God is using this time to strengthen me and mold me into the woman he wants me to be. The result...

Ezra has gotten to be around his grandparents...
I have gotten to be closer to my family...
My dad has Ezra as his little ray of hope admist sickness...
I am able to bless my family and help them during their time of need...
I'm learning what a blessing people can be in your life when you have true needs...
I'm hoping it makes me a better "blesser" of people in the future...

Definitely not what I had planned, but most likely better!

Often times